Chairman update:
• Pitches for next season – u13 to u16 (x2 U13, x1 u14, x1 U15 and x1 U16) 5 teams all require an 11 a side pitch, only two can play on Little Eaton parks pitch.
• Derby Uni issues – Please remain off the pitches until 9am.
• Racecourse Hub – For anyone playing there and not aware, QR codes will be required to enter the pitches. However, the first few weeks there will be staff on hand to help anyone with any access issues.
• Goalkeeping coaching – Malc has kindly offered services. Chad to create a ‘registration’ form so we can monitor who is interested and then create a Whatsapp group with weekly attendees to inform Malc prior to Saturdays.
• Player Registrations – DJFL deadline is March 1st, no registrations after this for the remainder of the season. DCFL deadline for registrations is 28th Feb. DGLL deadline for registrations is ???.
Treasurer update….
CWO update…
Kit manager update…
Awards info:
• Awards day 8th June 2024 – Please remind parents. Duffield tournament is on the same day (2pm onwards).
• Awards day prep:
o Village Hall booked.
o St Johns ambulance confirmed.
o Shiny Bar and beer confirmed.
Re awards – Confirmation of food vendors required as well as vendor requirements (power isn’t available locally). Chad happy to resolve any required permit/insurance requirements with Roly’s knowledge. Raffle/auction items required.